Achim J. Lilienthal

Welcome to my home page!
I am a professor of Computer Science and head of the Mobile Robotics & Olfaction (MRO) Lab, a research group at Örebro University.
By design, most research directions of the MRO Lab are aligned with my personal research interest, which is generally focused on perception systems for intelligent systems, mostly mobile robots that operate in unconstrained, dynamic environments. A major aim is to integrate research results timely in industrial demonstrators. More specifically, my research addresses Mobile Robot Olfaction, Robot-assisted Environmental Monitoring, Rich 3D Perception, Long-term Autonomous Navigation, and increasingly also Human Robot Interaction, specifically in semi-controllable (typically industrial) environments. In addition, I recently developed an interest in Mathematics Education Research. Selected papers for each direction are shown below.
Brief CV
- Professor at Örebro University since Jun 2013
- Lecturer (lektor) at Örebro University since Feb 2012
- Associate professor (docent) since Apr 8, 2008
- Assisstant senior lecturer (biträdande lektor) at Örebro University from Feb 2008 – Jan 2012
- Post-doc (forskarassisstent) at Örebro University from Jul 2005 – Jan 2008
- Ph.D. at the WSI Computer Science Department, University of Tübingen, Germany from Mar 1999 – Jul 2004
You can find further information on my CV page.
Scientific Publications
I am author/co-author of about 170 refereed conference papers and journal publications. Most of them are available through , see the list of publications at the end of this page. You can also find my publications and corresponding bibliometric information in my
profiles. Please note issues of Google Scholar and Research Gate with erroneous metadata and inflated counts due to self-citations (as pointed out by Gaurav S. Sukhatme).
Current Trends in the Use of Eye Tracking in Mathematics Education Research: A PME Survey
Prof. Achim J. Lilienthal
AASS Research Centre
School of Science and Technology
Örebro University
70182 Örebro, Sweden
Room T1222
Phone +46 (0)19 30 36 02
Journal Articles
[1] | On Robust Context-Aware Navigation for Autonomous Ground Vehicles. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 10(2):1449-1456, 2025 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[2] | BFAR : improving radar odometry estimation using a bounded false alarm rate detector. Autonomous Robots, 48(8), 2024 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[3] | Crossing-Point Estimation in Human-Robot Navigation-Statistical Linearization versus Sigma-Point Transformation. Sensors, 24(11), 2024 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[4] | Pattern-Recognition Processes of First-Grade Students : An Explorative Eye-Tracking Study. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 22(8):1663-1682, 2024 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[5] | Structure sense in students' quantity comparison and repeating pattern extension tasks : an eye-tracking study with first graders. Educational Studies in Mathematics 2024 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[6] | Super-resolution for Gas Distribution Mapping. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, 419, 2024 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[7] | The Child Factor in Child-Robot Interaction : Discovering the Impact of Developmental Stage and Individual Characteristics. International Journal of Social Robotics, 16(8):1879-1900, 2024 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[8] | The ILIAD Safety Stack : Human-Aware Infrastructure-Free Navigation of Industrial Mobile Robots. IEEE robotics & automation magazine, 31(3):48-59, 2024 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[9] | THÖR-MAGNI : A large-scale indoor motion capture recording of human movement and robot interaction. The international journal of robotics research 2024 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[10] | Trajectory Prediction for Heterogeneous Agents : A Performance Analysis on Small and Imbalanced Datasets. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 9(7):6576-6583, 2024 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[11] | Video WeAther RecoGnition (VARG) : An Intensity-Labeled Video Weather Recognition Dataset. Journal of imaging, 10(11), 2024 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[12] | Lidar-Level Localization With Radar? The CFEAR Approach to Accurate, Fast, and Robust Large-Scale Radar Odometry in Diverse Environments. IEEE Transactions on robotics, 39(2):1476-1495, 2023 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[13] | NDT-6D for color registration in agri-robotic applications. Journal of Field Robotics, 40(6):1603-1619, 2023 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[14] | Robust Scan Registration for Navigation in Forest Environment Using Low-Resolution LiDAR Sensors. Sensors, 23(10), 2023 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[15] | Survey of maps of dynamics for mobile robots. The international journal of robotics research, 42(11):977-1006, 2023 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[16] | Benchmarking the utility of maps of dynamics for human-aware motion planning. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 9, 2022 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[17] | CorAl : Introspection for robust radar and lidar perception in diverse environments using differential entropy. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 155, 2022 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[18] | Ensemble Learning-Based Approach for Gas Detection Using an Electronic Nose in Robotic Applications. Frontiers in Chemistry, 10, 2022 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[19] | Small number enumeration processes of deaf or hard-of-hearing students : A study using eye tracking and artificial intelligence. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 2022 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[20] | Students’ collaborative creative process and its phases in mathematics : an explorative study using dual eye tracking and stimulated recall interviews. ZDM - the International Journal on Mathematics Education, 54(1):163-178, 2022 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[21] | A spatial land use clustering framework for investigating the role of land use in mediating the effect of meteorology on urban air quality. Atmospheric Environment: X, 12, 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[22] | Development of compact electronic noses : a review. Measurement science and technology, 32(6), 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[23] | Guest Editorial : Introduction to the Special Issue on Long-Term Human Motion Prediction. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 6(3):5613-5617, 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[24] | Learning Occupancy Priors of Human Motion From Semantic Maps of Urban Environments. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 6(2):3248-3255, 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[25] | Sniffing out fugitive methane emissions : autonomous remote gas inspection with a mobile robot. The international journal of robotics research, 40(4-5):782-814, 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[26] | Bi-directional navigation intent communication using spatial augmented reality and eye-tracking glasses for improved safety in human-robot interaction. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 61, 2020 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[27] | Gas Distribution Mapping and Source Localization Using a 3D Grid of Metal Oxide Semiconductor Sensors. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, 304, 2020 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[28] | Gas Source Declaration with Tetrahedral Sensing Geometries and Median Value Filtering Extreme Learning Machine. IEEE Access, 8:7227-7235, 2020 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[29] | Object-RPE : Dense 3D Reconstruction and Pose Estimation with Convolutional Neural Networks. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 133, 2020 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[30] | Panoptic 3D Mapping and Object Pose Estimation Using Adaptively Weighted Semantic Information. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5(2):1962-1969, 2020 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[31] | Students' Creative Process in Mathematics : Insights from Eye-Tracking-Stimulated Recall Interview on Students' Work on Multiple Solution Tasks. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 18(8):1565-1586, 2020 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[32] | THÖR : Human-Robot Navigation Data Collection and Accurate Motion Trajectories Dataset. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5(2):676-682, 2020 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[33] | Aerial-based gas tomography : from single beams to complex gas distributions. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 52(Sup. 3):2-16, 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[34] | Analysis of Model Mismatch Effects for a Model-based Gas Source Localization Strategy Incorporating Advection Knowledge. Sensors, 19(3), 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[35] | Cognitive load and compensatory movement in learning to use a multi-function hand. Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 43(1 suppl. 1):52-52, 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[36] | Domain-specific interpretation of eye tracking data : towards a refined use of the eye-mind hypothesis for the field of geometry. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 101(1):123-139, 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[37] | FireNose on Mobile Robot in Harsh Environments. IEEE Sensors Journal, 19(24):12418-12431, 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[38] | Model-based gas source localization strategy for a cooperative multi-robot system-A probabilistic approach and experimental validation incorporating physical knowledge and model uncertainties. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 118:66-79, 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[39] | Multi-Domain Airflow Modeling and Ventilation Characterization Using Mobile Robots, Stationary Sensors and Machine Learning. Sensors, 19(5), 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[40] | Quantity Recognition in Structured Whole Number Representations of Students with Mathematical Difficulties : An Eye-Tracking Study. Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal, 17(1):5-28, 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[41] | Smelling Nano Aerial Vehicle for Gas Source Localization and Mapping. Sensors, 19(3), 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[42] | The Auto-Complete Graph : Merging and Mutual Correction of Sensor and Prior Maps for SLAM. Robotics, 8(2), 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[43] | Towards Gas Discrimination and Mapping in Emergency Response Scenarios Using a Mobile Robot with an Electronic Nose. Sensors, 19(3), 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[44] | URSIM : Unique Regions for Sketch Map Interpretation and Matching. Robotics, 8(2), 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[45] | 3D Gas Distribution with and without Artificial Airflow : An Experimental Study with a Grid of Metal Oxide Semiconductor Gas Sensors. Proceedings, 2(13), 2018 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[46] | A cluster analysis approach based on exploiting density peaks for gas discrimination with electronic noses in open environments. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, 259:183-203, 2018 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[47] | A Dual PHD Filter for Effective Occupancy Filtering in a Highly Dynamic Environment. IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems (Print), 19(9):2977-2993, 2018 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[48] | Learning to detect misaligned point clouds. Journal of Field Robotics, 35(5):662-677, 2018 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[49] | Measuring rotor speed for wind vector estimation on multirotor aircraft. Materials Today: Proceedings, 5(13):26703-26708, 2018 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[50] | Compressed Voxel-Based Mapping Using Unsupervised Learning. Robotics, 6(3), 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[51] | Enabling Flow Awareness for Mobile Robots in Partially Observable Environments. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2(2):1093-1100, 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[52] | GADEN : A 3D Gas Dispersion Simulator for Mobile Robot Olfaction in Realistic Environments. Sensors, 17(7):1479-1494, 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[53] | Probabilistic Air Flow Modelling Using Turbulent and Laminar Characteristics for Ground and Aerial Robots. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2(2):1117-1123, 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[54] | Time-dependent gas distribution modelling. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 96:157-170, 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[55] | Building an Enhanced Vocabulary of the Robot Environment with a Ceiling Pointing Camera. Sensors, 16(4), 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[56] | From Feature Detection in Truncated Signed Distance Fields to Sparse Stable Scene Graphs. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 1(2):1148-1155, 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[57] | No More Heavy Lifting : Robotic Solutions to the Container-Unloading Problem. IEEE robotics & automation magazine, 23(4):94-106, 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[58] | The Next Step in Robot Commissioning : Autonomous Picking and Palletizing. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 1(1):546-553, 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[59] | Autonomous transport vehicles : where we are and what is missing. IEEE robotics & automation magazine, 22(1):64-75, 2015 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[60] | Global coverage measurement planning strategies for mobile robots equipped with a remote gas sensor. Sensors, 15(3):6845-6871, 2015 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[61] | Support relation analysis and decision making for safe robotic manipulation tasks. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 71(SI):99-117, 2015 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[62] | A customized vision system for tracking humans wearing reflective safety clothing from industrial vehicles and machinery. Sensors, 14(10):17952-17980, 2014 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[63] | A Probabilistic Gas Patch Path Prediction Approach for Airborne Gas Source Localization in Non-Uniform Wind Fields. Sensor Letters, 12(6-7):1113-1118, 2014 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[64] | Bayesian Spatial Event Distribution Grid Maps for Modeling the Spatial Distribution of Gas Detection Events. Sensor Letters, 12(6-7):1142-1146, 2014 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[65] | Combining Non Selective Gas Sensors on a Mobile Robot for Identification and Mapping of Multiple Chemical Compounds. Sensors, 14(9):17331-17352, 2014 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[66] | Drive the Drive : From Discrete Motion Plans to Smooth Drivable Trajectories. Robotics, 3(4):400-416, 2014 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[67] | Improving Point Cloud Accuracy Obtained from a Moving Platform for Consistent Pile Attack Pose Estimation. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 75(1):101-128, 2014 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[68] | Online parameter selection for gas distribution mapping. Sensor Letters, 12(6-7):1147-1151, 2014 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[69] | rTREFEX: Reweighting norms for detecting changes in the response of MOX gas sensors. Sensor Letters, 12(6/7):1123-1127, 2014 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[70] | 3D normal distributions transform occupancy maps : an efficient representation for mapping in dynamic environments. The international journal of robotics research, 32(14):1627-1644, 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[71] | Comparative evaluation of range sensor accuracy for indoor mobile robotics and automated logistics applications. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 61(10):1094-1105, 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[72] | Comparative evaluation of the consistency of three-dimensional spatial representations used in autonomous robot navigation. Journal of Field Robotics, 30(2):216-236, 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[73] | Gas source localization with a micro-drone using bio-inspired and particle filter-based algorithms. Advanced Robotics, 27(9):725-738, 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[74] | Monitoring of CCS areas using micro unmanned aerial vehicles (MUAVs). Energy Procedia, 37:4182-4190, 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[75] | Probabilistic gas quantification with MOX sensors in open sampling systems : a gaussian process approach. Sensors and actuators. B, Chemical, 188:298-312, 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[76] | Special Issue : Selected Papers from the 5th European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR 2011). Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 61(10):1049-1050, 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[77] | TREFEX : trend estimation and change detection in the response of mox gas sensors. Sensors, 13(6):7323-7344, 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[78] | Autonomous gas-sensitive microdrone wind vector estimation and gas distribution mapping. IEEE robotics & automation magazine, 19(1):50-61, 2012 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[79] | Detecting changes of a distant gas source with an array of MOX gas sensors. Sensors, 12(12):16404-16419, 2012 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[80] | Fast and accurate scan registration through minimization of the distance between compact 3D NDT Representations. The international journal of robotics research, 31(12):1377-1393, 2012 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[81] | Mobile robots for localizing gas emission sources on landfill sites : is bio-inspiration the way to go?. Frontiers in Neuroengineering, 4(20):1-12, 2012 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[82] | Special issue ECMR 2009. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 59(5):263-264, 2011 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[83] | 6D scan registration using depth-interpolated local image features. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 58(2):157-165, 2010 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[84] | Data association and occlusion handling for vision-based people tracking by mobile robots. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 58(5):435-443, 2010 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[85] | SIFT, SURF \& seasons : Appearance-based long-term localization in outdoor environments. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 58(2):149-156, 2010 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[86] | The DustBot System : Using Mobile Robots to Monitor Pollution in Pedestrian Area. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 23:273-278, 2010 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[87] | Automatic appearance-based loop detection from three-dimensional laser data using the normal distributions transform. Journal of Field Robotics, 26(11-12):892-914, 2009 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[88] | Gas Distribution Mapping of Multiple Odour Sources using a Mobile Robot. Robotica (Cambridge. Print), 27(2):311-319, 2009 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[89] | Learning Gas Distribution Models Using Sparse Gaussian Process Mixtures. Autonomous Robots, 26(2-3):187-202, 2009 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[90] | A Minimalistic Approach to Appearance-Based Visual SLAM. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 24(5):991-1001, 2008 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[91] | Fusion of aerial images and sensor data from a ground vehicle for improved semantic mapping. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 56(6):483-492, 2008 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[92] | Scan registration for autonomous mining vehicles using 3D-NDT. Journal of Field Robotics, 24(10):803-827, 2007 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[93] | Virtual sensors for human concepts : building detection by an outdoor mobile robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 55(5):383-390, 2007 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[94] | Airborne chemical sensing with mobile robots. Sensors, 6(11):1616-1678, 2006 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[95] | Building gas concentration gridmaps with a mobile robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 48(1):3-16, 2004 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[96] | Experimental analysis of gas-sensitive Braitenberg vehicles. Advanced Robotics, 18(8):817-834, 2004 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
Book Chapters
[1] | Fuzzy Geometric Approach to Collision Estimation Under Gaussian Noise in Human-Robot Interaction. In Computational Intelligence : 11th International Joint Conference, IJCCI 2019, Vienna, Austria, September 17–19, 2019, Revised Selected Papers, pages 191-221, 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[2] | Closing Remarks. In Probabilistic Mapping of Spatial Motion Patterns for Mobile Robots, pages 143-151, 2020 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[3] | Introduction. In Probabilistic Mapping of Spatial Motion Patterns for Mobile Robots, pages 1-13, 2020 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[4] | Maps of Dynamics. In Probabilistic Mapping of Spatial Motion Patterns for Mobile Robots, pages 15-32, 2020 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[5] | Modelling Motion Patterns with Circular-Linear Flow Field Maps. In Probabilistic Mapping of Spatial Motion Patterns for Mobile Robots, pages 65-113, 2020 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[6] | Modelling Motion Patterns with Conditional Transition Map. In Probabilistic Mapping of Spatial Motion Patterns for Mobile Robots, pages 33-64, 2020 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[7] | Motion Planning Using MoDs. In Probabilistic Mapping of Spatial Motion Patterns for Mobile Robots, pages 115-141, 2020 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[8] | Preface. In Probabilistic Mapping of Spatial Motion Patterns for Mobile Robots, pages vii-x, 2020 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[9] | Fuzzy Modeling, Control and Prediction in Human-Robot Systems. In Computational Intelligence : International Joint Conference, IJCCI2016 Porto, Portugal, November 9–11,2016 Revised Selected Papers, pages 149-177, 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[10] | Using Chemical Sensors as 'Noses' for Mobile Robots. In Essentials of Machine Olfaction and Taste, pages 219-246, 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[11] | Improved gas source localization with a mobile robot by learning analytical gas dispersal models from statistical gas distribution maps using evolutionary algorithms. In Intelligent Systems for Machine Olfaction : Tools and Methodologies, pages 249-276, 2011 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[12] | Statistical gas distribution modeling using kernel methods. In Intelligent systems for machine olfaction : tools and methodologies, pages 153-179, 2011 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[13] | Using local wind information for gas distribution mapping in outdoor environments with a mobile robot. In 2009 IEEE SENSORS, VOLS 1-3, pages 1715-1720, 2009 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
Refereed Conference and Workshop Articles
[1] | Hierarchical System to Predict Human Motion and Intentions for Efficient and Safe Human-Robot Interaction in Industrial Environments. In 1st German Robotics Conference 2025 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[2] | Multimodal Interaction and Intention Communication for Industrial Robots. In 1st German Robotics Conference 2025 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[3] | THÖR-MAGNI Act : Actions for Human Motion Modeling in Robot-Shared Industrial Spaces. In 20th edition of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction 2025 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[4] | 3QFP : Efficient neural implicit surface reconstruction using Tri-Quadtrees and Fourier feature Positional encoding. 2024 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[5] | Gas Distribution Mapping With Radius-Based, Bi-directional Graph Neural Networks (RABI-GNN). In 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN) 2024 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[6] | High-Fidelity SLAM Using Gaussian Splatting with Rendering-Guided Densification and Regularized Optimization. 2024 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[7] | Human Gaze and Head Rotation during Navigation, Exploration and Object Manipulation in Shared Environments with Robots. In 2024 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN), pages 1258-1265, 2024 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[8] | Identification of Gas Mixtures with Few Labels Using Graph Convolutional Networks. In 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN) 2024 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[9] | LaCE-LHMP : Airflow Modelling-Inspired Long-Term Human Motion Prediction By Enhancing Laminar Characteristics in Human Flow. In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 11281-11288, 2024 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[10] | Robust Object Detection in Challenging Weather Conditions. In 2024 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) : Conference Proceedings, pages 7508-7517, 2024 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[11] | Towards introspective loop closure in 4D radar SLAM. 2024 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[12] | Adaptive strategy use in pattern-recognition of first graders with and without risk of developing mathematical difficulties : An eye-tracking study. In Proceedings of the 46th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education : 46th Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, PME 2023, Haifa, Israel, 16-21 July, 2022., pages 83-90, 2023 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[13] | Advantages of Multimodal versus Verbal-Only Robot-to-Human Communication with an Anthropomorphic Robotic Mock Driver. In 2023 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) : Proceedings, pages 293-300, 2023 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[14] | CLiFF-LHMP : Using Spatial Dynamics Patterns for Long-Term Human Motion Prediction. In 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 01-05 October 2023, Detroit, MI, USA, pages 3795-3802, 2023 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[15] | Eye Tracking Auto-Correction Using Domain Information. In Human-Computer Interaction : Thematic Area, HCI 2023, Held as Part of the 25th HCI International Conference, HCII 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 23–28, 2023, Proceedings, Part I, 14011(14011):373-391, 2023 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[16] | Revisiting Distribution-Based Registration Methods. In 2023 European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR), pages 43-48, 2023 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[17] | Strategy use in number line tasks of students with and without mathematical difficulties : A study using eye tracking and ai. In PROCEEDINGS OF THE 46th CONFERENCE of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education : Volume 4, pages 211-218, 2023 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[18] | THÖR-Magni : Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning Models for Role-Conditioned Human Motion Prediction. In 2023 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW), pages 2192-2201, 2023 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[19] | Gas Source Localization Based on Binary Sensing with a UAV. In 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN) 2022 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[20] | Gather Dust and Get Dusted : Long-Term Drift and Cleaning of Sharp GP2Y1010AU0F Dust Sensor in a Steel Factory. 2022 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[21] | Learning From the Past : Sequential Deep Learning for Gas Distribution Mapping. In ROBOT2022 : Fifth Iberian Robotics Conference: Advances in Robotics, Volume 2, 590(590):178-188, 2022 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[22] | Super-Resolution for Gas Distribution Mapping : Convolutional Encoder-Decoder Network. In 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN) 2022 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[23] | The Atlas Benchmark : an Automated Evaluation Framework for Human Motion Prediction. In 2022 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), pages 636-643, 2022 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[24] | The Effect of Anthropomorphism on Trust in an Industrial Human-Robot Interaction. In SCRITA Workshop Proceedings (arXiv:2208.11090) 2022 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[25] | The Magni Human Motion Dataset : Accurate, Complex, Multi-Modal, Natural, Semantically-Rich and Contextualized. 2022 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[26] | Towards Gas Identification in Unknown Mixtures Using an Electronic Nose with One-Class Learning. In 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN) : Proceedings 2022 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[27] | Autonomous Heavy-Duty Mobile Machinery : A Multidisciplinary Collaborative Challenge. In Proceedings of the IEEE ICTE Leading Digital Transformation in Business and Society Conference 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[28] | BFAR – Bounded False Alarm Rate detector for improved radar odometry estimation. 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[29] | CFEAR Radarodometry - Conservative Filtering for Efficient and Accurate Radar Odometry. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2021), pages 5462-5469, 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[30] | CorAl – Are the point clouds Correctly Aligned?. In 10th European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR 2021), 10, 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[31] | Development of a Low-Cost Sensing Node with Active Ventilation Fan for Air Pollution Monitoring. In SMSI 2021 Proceedings, pages 260-261, 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[32] | Experimental Validation of Domain Knowledge Assisted Robotic Exploration and Source Localization. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Systems (ICAS) 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[33] | Oriented surface points for efficient and accurate radar odometry. 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[34] | Robust Frequency-Based Structure Extraction. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 1715-1721, 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[35] | Using Redundancy in a Sensor Network to Compensate Sensor Failures. In 2021 IEEE SENSORS 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[36] | Using Redundancy in a Sensor Network to Compensate Sensor Failures. In 2021 IEEE SENSORS 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[37] | Benchmarking Human Motion Prediction Methods. 2020 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[38] | Cognitive load in learning to use a multi-function hand. In MEC20 Symposium Proceedings 2020 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[39] | High-quality meets low-cost : Approaches for hybrid-mobility sensor networks. In MATERIALS TODAY-PROCEEDINGS, 32:250-253, 2020 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[40] | Identifying student strategies through eye tracking and unsupervised learning : The case of quantity recognition. In Interim Proceedings of the 44th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Khon Kaen, Thailand: PME, pages 518-527, 2020 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[41] | Natural Criteria for Comparison of Pedestrian Flow Forecasting Models. In 2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 11197-11204, 2020 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[42] | Quantitative Metrics for Execution-Based Evaluation of Human-Aware Global Motion Planning. In HRI 2020 Workshop on Test Methods and Metrics for Effective HRI in Real World Human-Robot Teams 2020 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[43] | A comparative analysis of radar and lidar sensing for localization and mapping. In 2019 European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR) 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[44] | A Realistic Remote Gas Sensor Model for Three-Dimensional Olfaction Simulations. In ISOCS/IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN) 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[45] | A Submap per Perspective : Selecting Subsets for SuPer Mapping that Afford Superior Localization Quality. In 2019 European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR) 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[46] | Current Trends in Eye Tracking Research in Mathematics Education: A PME Literature Review : A PME Survey. In 43rd Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 4:62-62, 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[47] | Differences in Quantity Recognition Between Students with and without Mathematical Difficulties Analyzed Through Eye : Analysis Through Eye-Tracking and AI. In Proceedings of the 43rd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 3:281-288, 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[48] | Experimental Validation of the Cone-Shaped Remote Gas Sensor Model. In 2019 IEEE SENSORS 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[49] | Gas Dispersion Fluid Mechanics Simulation for Large Outdoor Environments. In 36th Danubia Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics : Extended Abstracts, pages 49-50, 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[50] | Gaussian Noise and the Intersection Problem in Human-Robot Systems : Analytical and Fuzzy Approach. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), pages 1-6, 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[51] | Implicit intention transference using eye-tracking glasses for improved safety in human-robot interaction. 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[52] | Object-RPE : Dense 3D Reconstruction and Pose Estimation with Convolutional Neural Networks for Warehouse Robots. In 2019 European Conference on Mobile Robots, ECMR 2019 : Proceedings 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[53] | Semi-supervised Gas Detection Using an Ensemble of One-class Classifiers. In 18th ISOCS/IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN) 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[54] | Time-varying Pedestrian Flow Models for Service Robots. In 2019 European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR) 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[55] | Uncertainty and Fuzzy Modeling in Human-Robot Navigation. In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence : Volume 1 (FCTA), pages 296-305, 2019 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[56] | 2D Spatial Keystone Transform for Sub-Pixel Motion Extraction from Noisy Occupancy Grid Map. In Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), pages 2400-2406, 2018 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[57] | A method to segment maps from different modalities using free space layout MAORIS : map of ripples segmentation. , pages 4993-4999, 2018 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[58] | A Survey of Voxel Interpolation Methods and an Evaluation of Their Impact on Volumetric Map-Based Visual Odometry. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA),, pages 6337-6343, 2018 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[59] | Accessing your navigation plans! Human-Robot Intention Transfer using Eye-Tracking Glasses. In Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXXII : Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Manufacturing Research, incorporating the 33rd National Conference on Manufacturing Research, September 11–13, 2018, University of Skövde, Sweden, pages 253-258, 2018 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[60] | Down the CLiFF : Flow-Aware Trajectory Planning under Motion Pattern Uncertainty. In 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 7403-7409, 2018 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[61] | Eye gaze technology to gain access to cognitive processes in individuals with profound intellectual and physical disabilities (PIPD). 2018 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[62] | Eye-Tracking For Studying Mathematical Difficulties : Also In Inclusive Settings. In Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME-42), 4:115-122, 2018 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[63] | Fuzzy logic and control in Human-Robot Systems : geometrical and kinematic considerations. In WCCI 2018 : 2018 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), pages 827-834, 2018 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[64] | Gas Tomography Up In The Air!. In Proceedings of the IEEE Sensors 2018 2018 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[65] | Human Motion Prediction under Social Grouping Constraints. In 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 3358-3364, 2018 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[66] | Method and Theory in Their Interplay : Using Eye-Tracking for Investigating Mathematical Learning. In Dialogue between ontology and epistemology : New perspectives on theory and methodology in research on learning and education 2018 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[67] | Vorgehensweisen bei der Anzahlerfassung am 100er Feld und 100er Rahmen : Eine Eye-Tracking Studie bei Kindern mit und ohne Rechenschwierigkeiten sowie sonderpädagogischem Unterstützungsbedarf. In Beiträge zum Mathematikunterricht 2018, pages 1591-1594, 2018 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[68] | Bayesian Gas Source Localization and Exploration with a Multi-Robot System Using Partial Differential Equation Based Modeling. In 2017 ISOCS/IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN 2017) : Proceedings, pages 122-124, 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[69] | Bringing Mobile Robot Olfaction to the Next Dimension - UAV-based Remote Sensing of Gas Clouds and Source Localization. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 3910-3916, 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[70] | Conducting Dual Portable Eye-Tracking in Mathematical Creativity Research. In Proceedings the 41th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 1:233-233, 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[71] | Exploration and Localization of a Gas Source with MOX Gas Sensorson a Mobile Robot : A Gaussian Regression Bout Amplitude Approach. In 2017 ISOCS/IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN 2017) : Proceedings, pages 164-166, 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[72] | Eye-Tracking and its Domain-Specific Interpretation : A Stimulated Recall Study on Eye Movements in Geometrical Tasks. In Proceedings of the 41st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 4:153-160, 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[73] | Eye-Tracking As A Tool For Investigating Mathematical Creativity. In The 10th Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness International Conference : Proceedings, pages 45-50, 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[74] | Improving Gas Dispersal Simulation For Mobile Robot Olfaction : Using Robot-Created Occupancy Maps And Remote Gas Sensors In The Simulation Loop. In 2017 ISOCS/IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction andElectronic Nose (ISOEN 2017) Proceedings 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[75] | Improving Gas Tomography With Mobile Robots : An Evaluation of Sensing Geometries in Complex Environments. In 2017 ISOCS/IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction andElectronic Nose (ISOEN 2017) Proceedings 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[76] | Incorporating Ego-motion Uncertainty Estimates in Range Data Registration. In 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 1389-1395, 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[77] | Kinodynamic Motion Planning on Gaussian Mixture Fields. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2017), pages 6176-6181, 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[78] | Long distance prediction and short distance control in Human-Robot Systems. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[79] | Mobile robot multi-sensor unit for unsupervised gas discrimination in uncontrolled environments. In IEEE SENSORS 2017 : Conference Proceedings, pages 1691-1693, 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[80] | Mobile robots for learning spatio-temporal interpolation models in sensor networks - The Echo State map approach : The Echo State map approach. In 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 2659-2665, 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[81] | Motor Speed Transfer Function for Wind Vector Estimation on Multirotor Aircraft. In 34th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics : Book of proceedings, pages 75-77, 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[82] | Probabilistic modeling of gas diffusion with partial differential equations for multi-robot exploration and gas source localization. In 2017 European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR) 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[83] | Semi-Supervised 3D Place Categorisation by Descriptor Clustering. In 2017 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 620-625, 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[84] | SLAM auto-complete : completing a robot map using an emergency map. In 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security and Rescue Robotics (SSRR), pages 35-40, 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[85] | Using emergency maps to add not yet explored places into SLAM. 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[86] | Analytic Grasp Success Prediction with Tactile Feedback. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2016, pages 165-171, 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[87] | Creativity in the eye of the student : Refining investigations of mathematical creativity using eye-tracking goggles. In Proceedings of the 40th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME) 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[88] | Empirical evaluation of human trust in an expressive mobile robot. In Proceedings of RSS Workshop Social Trust in Autonomous Robots 2016 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[89] | From Insects to Micro Air Vehicles : A Comparison of Reactive Plume Tracking Strategies. In Intelligent Autonomous Systems 13, pages 1533-1548, 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[90] | Fuzzy Modeling and Control for Intention Recognition in Human-Robot Systems. In Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2016), 2:67-74, 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[91] | Inferring human body posture information from reflective patterns of protective work garments. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 4131-4136, 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[92] | Navigation in Human-Robot and Robot-Robot Interaction using Optimization Methods. In SMC 2016 : 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, pages 4489-4494, 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[93] | Recognition of Human-Robot Motion Intentions by Trajectory Observation. In 2016 9th International Conference on Human System Interactions, HSI 2016 : Proceedings, pages 229-235, 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[94] | Spatial Augmented Reality and Eye Tracking for Evaluating Human Robot Interaction. In Proceedings of RO-MAN 2016 Workshop : Workshop on Communicating Intentions in Human-Robot Interaction 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[95] | SPENCER : A Socially Aware Service Robot for Passenger Guidance and Help in Busy Airports. In Field and Service Robotics : Results of the 10th International Conference, pages 607-622, 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[96] | Tell me about dynamics! : Mapping velocity fields from sparse samples with Semi-Wrapped Gaussian Mixture Models. In Robotics : Science and Systems Conference (RSS 2016) 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[97] | The Right Direction to Smell : Efficient Sensor Planning Strategies for Robot Assisted Gas Tomography. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 4275-4281, 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[98] | Towards occupational health improvement in foundries through dense dust and pollution monitoring using a complementary approach with mobile and stationary sensing nodes. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 131-136, 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[99] | Towards visual mapping in industrial environments : a heterogeneous task-specific and saliency driven approach. In 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 5766-5773, 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[100] | Unsupervised gas discrimination in uncontrolled environments by exploiting density peaks. In 2016 IEEE SENSORS 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[101] | Using sketch-maps for robot navigation : interpretation and matching. In 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR), pages 252-257, 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[102] | A principle of minimum translation search approach for object pose refinement. In 2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 2897-2903, 2015 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[103] | Approaches to Time-Dependent Gas Distribution Modelling. In 2015 European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR) 2015 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[104] | Bringing Artificial Olfaction and Mobile Robotics Closer Together : An Integrated 3D Gas Dispersion Simulator in ROS. In Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Noses 2015 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[105] | Efficient Measurement Planning for Remote Gas Sensing with Mobile Robots. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 3428-3434, 2015 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[106] | Fast, continuous state path smoothing to improve navigation accuracy. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2015, pages 662-669, 2015 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[107] | Grasp Envelopes for Constraint-based Robot Motion Planning and Control. In Robotics: Science and Systems Conference : Workshop on Bridging the Gap between Data-driven and Analytical Physics-based Grasping and Manipulation 2015 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[108] | Integrated Simulation of Gas Dispersion and Mobile Sensing Systems. In Workshop on Realistic, Rapid and Repeatable Robot Simulation 2015 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[109] | Multi-band Hough Forests for detecting humans with Reflective Safety Clothing from mobile machinery. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 697-703, 2015 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[110] | On Using Optimization-based Control instead of Path-Planning for Robot Grasp Motion Generation. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) - Workshop on Robotic Hands, Grasping, and Manipulation 2015 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[111] | Quantitative Evaluation of Coarse-To-Fine Loading Strategies for Material Rehandling. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), pages 450-455, 2015 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[112] | Sensitive Active Surfaces on the Velvet II Dexterous Gripper. , pages 2744-2750, 2015 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[113] | That’s on my Mind! : Robot to Human Intention Communication through on-board Projection on Shared Floor Space. In 2015 European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR) 2015 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[114] | The Grasp Acquisition Strategy of the Velvet II. 2015 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[115] | Where am I? : An NDT-based prior for MCL. In 2015 European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR) 2015 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[116] | A Novel Approach for Gas Discrimination in Natural Environments with Open Sampling Systems. In Proceedings of the IEEE Sensors Conference 2014 2014 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[117] | Improving Grasp Robustness via In-Hand Manipulation with Active Surfaces. In Workshop on Autonomous Grasping and Manipulation : An Open Challenge 2014 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[118] | Localization in highly dynamic environments using dual-timescale NDT-MCL. In 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 3956-3962, 2014 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[119] | Object recognition and localization for robust grasping with a dexterous gripper in the context of container unloading. , pages 1270-1277, 2014 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[120] | Probabilistic Relational Scene Representation and Decision Making Under Incomplete Information for Robotic Manipulation Tasks. In Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2014 IEEE International Conference on, pages 5685-5690, 2014 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[121] | Robot Assisted Gas Tomography - Localizing Methane Leaks in Outdoor Environments. In 2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (ICRA), pages 6362-6367, 2014 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[122] | Robot assisted gas tomography : an alternative approach for the detection of fugitive methane emissions. In Workshop on Robot Monitoring 2014 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[123] | Velvet fingers : grasp planning and execution for an underactuated gripper with active surfaces. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 3669-3675, 2014 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[124] | A Kalman Filter Based Approach To Probabilistic Gas Distribution Mapping. , pages 217-222, 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[125] | A Probabilistic Gas Patch Prediction Approach for Airborne Gas Source Localization in Non-Uniform Wind Fields. In Proceedings of the 15th ISOEN 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[126] | A trend filtering approach for change point detection in MOX gas sensors. 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[127] | Application Based 3D Sensor Evaluation : A Case Study in 3D Object Pose Estimation for Automated Unloading of Containers. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR), pages 313-318, 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[128] | Automatic relational scene representation for safe robotic manipulation tasks. , pages 1335-1340, 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[129] | Chemical source localization in real environments integrating chemical concentrations in a probabilistic plume mapping approach. In Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN 2013) 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[130] | Conditional transition maps: learning motion patterns in dynamic environments. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pages 1196-1201, 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[131] | Fast 3D mapping in highly dynamic environments using normal distributions transform occupancy maps. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 4694-4701, 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[132] | Improved local shape feature stability through dense model tracking. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 3203-3209, 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[133] | Improving Point-Cloud Accuracy from a Moving Platform in Field Operations. In 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 733-738, 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[134] | It's always smelly around here! Modeling the Spatial Distribution of Gas Detection Events with BASED Grid Maps. In Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN 2013) 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[135] | Multi-human Tracking using High-visibility Clothing for Industrial Safety. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 638-644, 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[136] | Normal distributions transform monte-carlo localization (NDT-MCL). In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 382-389, 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[137] | Normal distributions transform occupancy map fusion : simultaneous mapping and tracking in large scale dynamic environments. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 4702-4708, 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[138] | Normal distributions transform occupancy maps : application to large-scale online 3D mapping. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 2233-2238, 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[139] | Online parameter selection for gas distribution mapping. In Proceedings of the ISOEN conference 2013 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[140] | SDF tracker : a parallel algorithm for on-line pose estimation and scene reconstruction from depth images. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pages 3671-3676, 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[141] | Towards Real-World Gas Distribution Mapping and Leak Localization Using a Mobile Robot with 3D and Remote Gas Sensing Capabilities. In 2013 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION (ICRA), pages 2335-2340, 2013 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[142] | A Least Squares approach for learning gas distribution maps from a set of integral gas concentration measurements obtained with a TDLAS sensor. In Proceedings of the IEEE Sensors Conference, 2012, pages 550-553, 2012 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[143] | Calibration of mox gas sensors in open sampling systems based on gaussian processes. In Proceedings of the IEEE Sensors Conference, 2012, pages 1-4, 2012 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[144] | Change detection in an array of MOX sensors. 2012 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[145] | Creating true gas concentration maps in presence of multiple heterogeneous gas sources. In Sensors, 2012 IEEE, pages 554-557, 2012 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[146] | Gasbot : A Mobile Robotic Platform for Methane Leak Detection and Emission Monitoring. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Workshop on Robotics for Environmental Monitoring (WREM), Vilamoura, Portugal, October 7-12, 2012 2012 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[147] | Independent Markov Chain Occupancy Grid Maps for Representation of Dynamic Environments. In 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pages 3489-3495, 2012 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[148] | Point Set Registration through Minimization of the L-2 Distance between 3D-NDT Models. In 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 5196-5201, 2012 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[149] | An artificial potential field based sampling strategy for a gas-sensitive micro-drone. , pages 34-38, 2011 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[150] | Comparative evaluation of range sensor accuracy in indoor environments. In Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Mobile Robots, ECMR 2011, pages 19-24, 2011 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[151] | ICT solutions supporting collaborative information acquisition, situation assessment and decision making in contemporary environmental management problems : the DIADEM approach. In Proceedings of the 25th EnviroInfo Conference Environmental Informatics, pages 920-931, 2011 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[152] | On the Accuracy of the 3D Normal Distributions Transform as a Tool for Spatial Representation. In 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2011 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[153] | Optimizing the operating temperature for an array of MOX sensors on an open sampling system. In Olfaction and electronic nose : Proceedings of the 14th international symposium on olfaction and electonic nose, pages 225-227, 2011 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[154] | Performance Indicators for Robotics Systems in Logistics Applications. 2011 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[155] | TD Kernel DM+V : time-dependent statistical gas distribution modelling on simulated measurements. In Olfaction and Electronic Nose : proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN), pages 281-282, 2011 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[156] | DustCart, a Mobile Robot for Urban Environments : Experiments of Pollution Monitoring and Mapping during Autonomous Navigation in Urban Scenarios. In Proceedings of ICRA Workshop on Networked and Mobile Robot Olfaction in Natural, Dynamic Environments 2010 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[157] | Integration of OpenFOAM Flow Simulation and Filament-Based Gas Propagation Models for Gas Dispersion Simulation. 2010 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[158] | Path planning in 3D environments using the normal distributions transform. In IEEE/RSJ 2010 International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2010), pages 3263-3268, 2010 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[159] | The 3D-kernel DM+V/W algorithm : using wind information in three dimensional gas distribution modelling with a mobile robot. In 2010 IEEE SENSORS, pages 999-1004, 2010 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[160] | A statistical approach to gas distribution modelling with mobile robots : the Kernel DM+V algorithm. In IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems : IROS 2009, pages 570-576, 2009 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[161] | An Autonomous Robotic System for Load Transportation. In Proceedings of the 4th Swedish Workshop on Autonomous Robotics (SWAR), pages 56-57, 2009 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[162] | An autonomous robotic system for load transportation. In 2009 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (EFTA 2009), pages 1563-1566, 2009 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[163] | Appearance-based loop detection from 3D laser data using the normal distributions transform. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2009 (ICRA '09), pages 23-28, 2009 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[164] | Estimating predictive variance for statistical gas distribution modelling. In Olfaction and electronic nose : proceedings, pages 65-68, 2009 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[165] | Evaluation of 3D registration reliability and speed : a comparison of ICP and NDT. In Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE international conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'09, pages 2263-2268, 2009 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[166] | Extraction of grasp-related features by human dual-hand object exploration. In 2009 International Conference on Advanced Robotics, pages 1-6, 2009 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[167] | MALTA : a system of multiple autonomous trucks for load transportation. In Proceedings of the 4th European conference on mobile robots (ECMR), pages 93-98, 2009 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[168] | Maximum Likelihood Point Cloud Acquisition from a Rotating Laser Scanner on a Moving Platform. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR) 2009 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[169] | Maximum likelihood point cloud acquisition from a mobile platform. In International conference on advanced robotics, ICAR 2009., pages 1-6, 2009 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[170] | Statistical evaluation of the kernel DM+V/W algorithm for building gas distribution maps in uncontrolled environments. In Proceedings of Eurosensors XXIII conference, 1(1):481-484, 2009 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[171] | Three-dimensional statistical gas distribution mapping in an uncontrolled indoor environment. In Olfaction and electronic nose, pages 109-112, 2009 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[172] | Using local wind information for gas distribution mapping in outdoor environments with a mobile robot. In IEEE sensors, vols 1-3, pages 1637-1642, 2009 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[173] | 3D mapping the Kvarntorp mine : a rield experiment for evaluation of 3D scan matching algorithms. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Workshop 2008 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[174] | Gas distribution modeling using sparse Gaussian process mixture models. In Robotics : science and systems IV, 4:310-317, 2008 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[175] | Improved mapping and image segmentation by using semantic information to link aerial images and ground-level information. In Recent Progress in Robotics : Viable Robotic Service to Human, pages 157-169, 2008 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[176] | Incremental spectral clustering and seasons : appearance-based localization in outdoor environments. In 2008 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, pages 1856-1861, 2008 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[177] | Registration of colored 3D point clouds with a Kernel-based extension to the normal distributions transform. In 2008 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, pages 4025-4030, 2008 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[178] | Towards environmental monitoring with mobile robots. In 2008 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pages 2210-2215, 2008 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[179] | A Rao-Blackwellisation approach to GDM-SLAM : integrating SLAM and gas distribution mapping (GDM). In ECMR 2007 : Proceedings of the European Conference on Mobile Robots, pages 126-131, 2007 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[180] | Fusion of aerial images and sensor data from a ground vehicle for improved semantic mapping. In Proceedings of the IROS Workshop From Sensors to Human Spatial Concepts, pages 17-24, 2007 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[181] | Has something changed here? : Autonomous difference detection for security patrol robots. In 2007 IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems, pages 3429-3435, 2007 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[182] | Improved data association and occlusion handling for vision-based people tracking by mobile robots. In 2007 IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems, pages 3436-3441, 2007 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[183] | Improved mapping and image segmentation by using semantic information to link aerial images and ground-level information. In Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on advanced robotics : ICAR 2007, pages 924-929, 2007 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[184] | Incremental spectral clustering and its application to topological mapping. In 2007 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), pages 4283-4288, 2007 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[185] | Integrating SLAM into gas distribution mapping. In Proceedings of ICRA Workshop on Robotic Olfaction : Towards Real Applications. ICRA 2007, pages 21-28, 2007 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[186] | Mini-SLAM : minimalistic visual SLAM in large-scale environments based on a new interpretation of image similarity. In 2007 IEEE international conference on robotics and automation (ICRA), pages 4096-4101, 2007 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[187] | Non-iterative Vision-based Interpolation of 3D Laser Scans. In Autonomos Agents and Robots, 76(76):83-90, 2007 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[188] | Probabilistic semantic mapping with a virtual sensor for building/nature detection. In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International symposium on computational intelligence in robotics and automation, CIRA 2007, pages 236-242, 2007 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[189] | SIFT, SURF and seasons : long-term outdoor localization using local features. In ECMR 2007 : Proceedings of the European Conference on Mobile Robots, pages 253-258, 2007 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[190] | Vision aided 3D laser scanner based registration. In ECMR 2007 : Proceedings of the European Conference on Mobile Robots, pages 192-197, 2007 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[191] | Incremental topological mapping using omnidirectional vision. In 2006 IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems, pages 3441-3447, 2006 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[192] | Indicators of gas source proximity using metal oxide sensors in a turbulent environment. In The First IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics, 2006, BioRob 2006, pages 733-738, 2006 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[193] | Q-RAN : a constructive reinforcement learning approach for robot behavior learning. In 2006 IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems, pages 2656-2662, 2006 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[194] | Teaching by demonstration of robotic manipulators in non-stationary environments. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) ,2006, pages 4339-4341, 2006 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[195] | Virtual sensors for human concepts : building detection by an outdoor mobile robot. In Proceedings of the IROS 2006 workshop : From Sensors toHuman Spatial Concepts, pages 21-26, 2006 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[196] | Vision based interpolation of 3D laser scans. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Autonomous Robots and Agents, pages 455-460, 2006 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[197] | Model-based shape analysis of gas concentration grinmaps for improved gas source localisation. In Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 3564-3569, 2005 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[198] | Gas source declaration with a mobile robot. In 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pages 1430-1435, 2004 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[199] | Learning to detect proximity to a gas source with a mobile robot. In 2004 IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems, 2004 (IROS 2004), 4:1444-1449, 2004 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
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[203] | Approaches to gas source tracing and declaration by pure chemo-tropotaxis. In Autonome Mobile Systeme 2003, 18:161-171, 2003 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[204] | Creating gas concentration gridmaps with a mobile robot. In Proceedings : 2003 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2003), 3:118-123, 2003 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[205] | Experimental analysis of smelling Braitenberg vehicles. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advanced Robotics 2003, 1-3:375-380, 2003 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
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[209] | Detection and Localization of an Odour Source by an autonomous mobile Robot. In Robotik 2002 : Leistungsstand - Anwendungen - Visionen - Trends, 1679(1679):689-694, 2002 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
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[211] | Experiences using gas sensors on an autonomous mobile robot. In Proceedings of EUROBOT 2001, 4th European workshop on advanced mobile robots, pages 1-8, 2001 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[212] | Leakage localisation with a mobile robot carrying chemical sensors. In The 8th IEEE international conference on electronics, circuits and systems : ICECS 2001, 3(3):1247-1250, 2001 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[213] | Sensing odour sources in indoor environments without a constant airflow by a mobile robot. In Proceedings 2001 ICRA : IEEE international conference on robotics and automation, 1:4005-4010, 2001 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[214] | Ein autonomer mobiler Roboter mit elektronischer Nase. In Autonome Mobile Systeme 2000, 16(16):201-209, 2000 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
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