Anas Alhashimi

I am a post-doctoral researcher at Mobile Robotics and Olfaction Lab (MR&O) at Örebro University. I finished my PhD at the department of computer science, electrical and space engineering, Luleå university of technology (2018). I have Bachelors and MSc degrees in electronic and communications engineering (1999, 2002). I m interested in the following research topics: FMCW radar and Laser range finder (Lidar) for robotic applications, Statistical sensor modeling and calibration, Parameter estimation and model order selection under variable noise variance (heteroscedasticity), Joint parameters and state estimation (linear and non-linear systems), Monte Carlo methods, Robot Localization and Mapping, Robot Navigation and path-planning
Dr. Anas Alhashimi
AASS Research Centre
School of Science and Technology
Örebro University
70182 Örebro, Sweden
Room T1227
Phone +46 19 303 458
Journal Articles
[1] | BFAR : improving radar odometry estimation using a bounded false alarm rate detector. Autonomous Robots, 48(8), 2024 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[2] | Lidar-Level Localization With Radar? The CFEAR Approach to Accurate, Fast, and Robust Large-Scale Radar Odometry in Diverse Environments. IEEE Transactions on robotics, 39(2):1476-1495, 2023 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[3] | Calibrating Range Measurements of Lidars Using Fixed Landmarks in Unknown Positions. Sensors, 21(1), 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[4] | Calibrating distance sensors for terrestrial applications without groundtruth information. IEEE Sensors Journal, 17(12):3698-3709, 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[5] | Joint Temperature-Lasing Mode Compensation for Time-of-Flight LiDAR Sensors. Sensors, 15(12):31205-31223, 2015 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[6] | The application of auto regressive spectrum modeling for identification of the intercepted radar signal frequency modulation. Inventi Impact - Telecom, 2012(3), 2012 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[7] | Design and implementation of fast three stages SLA battery charger for PLC systems. Journal of Engineering, 17(3):448-465, 2011 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
Book Chapters
[1] | Modeling and Calibrating Triangulation Lidars for Indoor Applications. In Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics : 13th International Conference, ICINCO 2016 Lisbon, Portugal, 29-31 July, 2016, pages 342-366, 2018 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[2] | An Improvement in the Observation Model for Monte Carlo Localization. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - Volume 1 : ICINCO, pages 498-505, 2014 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
Refereed Conference and Workshop Articles
[1] | BFAR – Bounded False Alarm Rate detector for improved radar odometry estimation. 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[2] | CFEAR Radarodometry - Conservative Filtering for Efficient and Accurate Radar Odometry. In IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2021), pages 5462-5469, 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[3] | Oriented surface points for efficient and accurate radar odometry. 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[4] | Bayesian strategies for calibrating heteroskedastic static sensors with unknown model structures. In 2018 European Control Conference (ECC), pages 2447-2453, 2018 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[5] | Statistical modeling and calibration of triangulation Lidars. In ICINCO 2016 : Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, 1:308-317, 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
Find the complete BibTeX record here.