Ajay Arunachalam

I am Postdoctoral Researcher (Artificial Intelligence) at MRO Lab under Centre for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems, Orebro University, Sweden. Prior to my position here, I was working as a Data Scientist at True Corporation, a Communications Conglomerate, working with Petabytes of data, building & deploying deep models at production. I truly believe that Opacity in AI systems is need of the hour, before we fully accept & leverage the potential of AI. With this in mind, I have always strived to democratize AI, and focus more towards building Explainable Models & specifically learning good representations. My interests include Applied Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Optimization, Big Data, Algorithmic trading, Natural Language Processing, Distributed Systems & Wireless Networks. From my experience working on several business problems, I fully acknowledge that finding good representations is the key in designing the system that can solve interesting & challenging real-world problems, that go beyond human-level intelligence, and ultimately explain complicated data for us that we don’t understand. In order to achieve this, I envision learning algorithms that can learn feature representations from both unlabelled and labelled data, be guided with and/or without human interaction, and that are on different levels of abstractions in order to bridge the gap between low-level data and high-level abstract concepts.
Dr. Ajay Arunachalam
AASS Research Centre
School of Science and Technology
Örebro University
70182 Örebro, Sweden
Room T1227
Phone +46 (0)19 30 35 91
Journal Articles
[1] | Adversarial Defense : DGA-Based Botnets and DNS Homographs Detection Through Integrated Deep Learning. IEEE transactions on engineering management, 70(1):249-266, 2023 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[2] | Toward Data-Model-Agnostic Autonomous Machine-Generated Data Labeling and Annotation Platform : COVID-19 Autoannotation Use Case. IEEE transactions on engineering management, 70(8):2695-2706, 2023 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[3] | A hybrid optimization algorithm-based feature selection for thyroid disease classifier with rough type-2 fuzzy support vector machine. Expert systems (Print), 39(1), 2022 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[4] | MSI-RPi : Affordable, Portable, and Modular Multispectral Imaging Prototype Suited to Operate in UV, Visible and Mid-Infrared Regions. Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 18(3):723-742, 2022 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[5] | Nature versus machine : A pilot study using a semi-trained culinary panel to perform sensory evaluation of robot-cultivated basil affected by mechanically induced stress. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 29, 2022 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[6] | RaspberryPi‐Arduino (RPA) powered smart mirrored and reconfigurable IoT facility for plant science research. Internet Technology Letters, 5(1), 2022 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[7] | Analytical Comparison of Resource Search Algorithms in Non-DHT Mobile Peer-to-Peer Networks. Computers, Materials and Continua, 68(1):983-1001, 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[8] | Development of novel robotic platforms for mechanical stress induction, and their effects on plant morphology, elements, and metabolism. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[9] | Fuzzy Tuned PID Controller for Envisioned Agricultural Manipulator. International Journal of Automation and Computing, 18(4):568-580, 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[10] | Mathematical Model Validation of Search Protocols in MP2P Networks. Computers, Materials and Continua, 68(2):1807-1829, 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[11] | Real-time plant phenomics under robotic farming setup : A vision-based platform for complex plant phenotyping tasks. Computers & electrical engineering, 92, 2021 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[12] | Rock, Paper, Scissors Game Based Model for Content Discovery in P2P MANETs. Wireless personal communications 2020 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[13] | A broadcast based random query gossip algorithm for resource search in non-DHT mobile Peer-to-Peer networks. Diànnǎo xuékān (Journal of Computers), 28(1):209-223, 2017 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[14] | Minimizing Redundant Messages and Improving Search Efficiency under Highly Dynamic Mobile P2P Network. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review, 9(1):23-35, 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[15] | Reducing Routing Overhead in random walk protocol under MP2P Network. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 6(6):3121-3130, 2016 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[16] | An Analysis of the Overhead and Energy Consumption in Flooding, Random Walk and Gossip Based Resource Discovery Protocols in MP2P Networks. 2015 Fifth International Conference on Advanced Computing & Communication Technologies, pages 292-297, 2015 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
[17] | Issues of Implementing Random Walk and Gossip Based Resource Discovery Protocols in P2P MANETs \& Suggestions for Improvement. Procedia Computer Science, 57:509-518, 2015 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
Book Chapters
[1] | DURLD : Malicious URL Detection Using Deep Learning-Based Character Level Representations. In Malware Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, pages 535-554, 2020 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
Refereed Conference and Workshop Articles
[1] | Nature versus machine : Sensory evaluation of robot-cultivated basil affected by mechanically induced stress. 2022 [ BibTeX | DiVA | PDF ] |
[2] | Fuzzy Tuned PID Controller for Vibration Control of Agricultural Manipulator. In HORA 2020 - 2nd International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications : Proceedings, pages 166-170, 2020 [ BibTeX | DiVA ] |
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